Router Freedom tech wiki is now online!

Tue, 19 Dec 2023 6:23:00 Dan

In recent years we have focused on the policy and legal aspects of Router Freedom. Now, with the help of our Netherlands volunteer team, we are publishing the Router Freedom tech wiki, which provides information on the necessary steps you need to use and connect your own router. We need your help to get it printed!

The FSFE has concentrated its efforts in recent years to conduct a European-wide initiative to defend the rights and interests of end-users regarding Router Freedom, after the series of reforms introduced by EU telecom law with regards to internet devices and terminal equipment. Numerous reports, policy papers, news items, and dedicated studies have been published so that regulators and legislators all around Europe could make informed decisions to safeguard this fundamental right for net neutrality.

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About the author



I'm a long-time user and enthusiast of open source software and espouse the philosophy that software code should be open (readable). So that everyone can see what happens behind the scenes while we use our electronic devices every day.